Bing Ads : indicateurs de performance disponibles en moins d’une heure

exactmatchBing Ads

Bing rattrape progressivement son retard.

Ils viennent de mettre en place l’affichage des impressions et nb de clics en mois d’une heure dans Bing Ads.

Bing Ads - Affichage en 1 heure

Extrait :
(Article d’origine)

You’ve been asking for faster performance data and we heard you. You will now see your clicks and impressions in less than an hour of them occurring, down from 4 hours in the past.

Armed with this faster turnaround, you will be able to stay on top of your campaign’s performance, see which bidded terms are hot and where the clicks are. Data is now arriving 10 times faster than before, enabling you to optimize much more rapidly.

How do I start using the faster data?

Just sign in to Bing Ads and start right away! You can now see performance data that includes everything up to the current hour-in-progress.

Faster performance data, as well as impression and click performance reports are all visible on the Campaign page. If you use the Bing Ads Reporting API, then you will need to set a flag on API calls indicating that you want to see data as it arrives .
